Sunday, 28 April 2013


Psalm 119:130, "The entrance and unfolding of Your words give light; their unfolding gives understanding (discernment and comprehension) to the simple".

Short people are always quick tempered! Ever heard that? O yes, you most certainly have. Its a belief in this part of the world that people who are below the average height for both sexes get angry over trivialities, are usually stubborn and assertive. It is believed that they are that way because they do not want to be taken for granted for not being as "tall" as everyone else around them. Close observation of most short people seem to give credibility to this belief but does it make it true?

Have you heard that all men are promiscuous and lying cheats? Aha! I know you've heard that times over. Infact your great-grand mother preached same to your grandmother, who handed it down to your mother and then to you. You should expect them to cheat because its in their nature right? Little wonder most men turn out to be promiscuous and lying cheats. Fact or truth?

How about the saying, "Heaven helps those who help themselves"? Lol. I laugh because I once saw a movie where a lady actually said "The Bible says heaven helps those who help themselves" and I just shook my head at the boldness with which she said it. I wonder where that saying got the credibility of the word of God because it is as false as it gets. Some people seem to be helped by "heaven" because they appear to be helping themselves but does this saying express the mind of God?

Its also the norm that rice must be eaten for lunch on Sundays; weddings must be on Saturdays with colourful and flamboyant receptions whether or not you can afford it e.t.c. We live in a world shaped and run by the philosophies of men hence the darkness in the world. There are so many philospohies and sayings of men which sound good to the ears and appeal to our senses but they contradict the word of God and only keep us in darkness. The world is filled with men and women who appear successful by the standards of men and so we idolise their words and actions as success symbols. We adore them and almost worship them. Children are brought up to believe that those ones are people to look up to and emulate. They have made it and as far as the world is concerned, if you follow their footsteps, you can never go wrong.

The world teaches that hoarding wealth and keeping one's resources within one's family is one way to stay successful and always at the top but the word of God teaches that we should give, give and give some more (2 Corinthians 9:7). The world teaches us that fornication and adultery do not matter for in the case of the former, one should "taste the soup" before making marital committment and in the case of the latter, one should not be restricted to eating one type of soup. However the word of God preaches pre-marital abstinence and marital fidelity (1 Corinthians 6:9). The world insists on "get rich quick or die trying", while the word of God teaches us that there are days of little beginnings and wealth gotten hastily will dwindle (Proverbs 13:11 Amp). The world celebrates cheating and lying as wisdom and indecent dressing as trendy/classy. In the case of short people, they were not created quick tempered. Its a rub-off from a belief system. Its a theory that creeps into the mind (I don't even remember where I heard it for the first time) and will begin to apply if the hearer grows up to become not so tall. Can anyone prove from scripture that God created short people quick tempered and tall people easy-going? If you can help yourself, why would heaven help you? If its ok to have fornicate or commit adultery, why does it bring so much hurt to the participants and why does the word of God forbid it? The theories and systems of the world are designed to keep men in pitch darkness but thanks be unto God who has given us His word to light up our world and lives. The ways of the world lead to harm but the ways of God lead to peace, joy and fulfilment.

We are in the world but not of this world and so we live and function by different set of rules (John 17:16).To live victoriously in this world, we must work and apply the principles of the word of the one who made both the world and the men in it. We should not be conformed to the patterns and systems of the world but we must be transformed by the renewing of our minds. We can choose to live by the facts of the world or by the truth of God's word (John 17:17). It is the entrance of the word of God that illuminates our hearts and causes us to see things differently in life. The word of God makes known to us the mind of God; we begin to see the way God sees. It is only by the word of God that we can stay ahead and on top of our game in a world that is designed to keep us in bondage by its systems.

Step up! There is a higher life! Get to the word of God. Know it for yourself. Let the light of God's word shine in your heart.The next time you hear/read something, judge it by the spirit of the word. The next time you want to act let your heart be yielded to the dictates of the word. That way you begin to live free of the bondage created by the traditions and philosophies of men and live the life God wants you to live.


  1. Please get back on Facebook and share these great thoughts with a larger audience. More people need to read this. Very unique and inspiring! Kelechi Anyalechi
