Friday, 12 April 2013


Hebrews 4:12, "For the word that God speaks is alive and full of power [making it active, operative, energizing and effective]; it is sharper than any two-edged sword, penetrating to the dividing line of the breath of life (soul) and [the immortal] spirit, and of joints and marrow [of the deepest parts of our nature], exposing and sifting and analyzing and judging the very thoughts and purposes of the heart". 

God is good, has been and will always be! He is the sovereign God who rules over the universe. His word is law! The word of God is the only valid reference manual for good success in this world. His word was in the beginning; all things were made by His word and without His word was not anything made that was made (John 1:3). God’s word has creative ability and by His word we can create and re-create the circumstances of our lives to fit His purpose and dreams for us (Hebrews 11:3). His word is able to produce what it talks about. 
By the word of God, we understand that God loves mankind immensely and unconditionally. For this love He gave His first begotten son Jesus Christ to die for the sins of the whole world that we might have eternal life through Him (John 3:16). By ourselves we could not be saved from the torment of the kingdom of darkness; neither could we reign in life as we have been destined to from the beginning. We did not have an inkling of what we needed to be saved and reconciled to God but God proved His love for us by the fact that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us (Romans 5:8). Now we are kings and priests unto God. This is our testimony.

Our testimonies are of the word of God! Our testimonies are not limited to what God has done in our lives or in the lives of people who put their trust in Him. Our testimonies extend to what the word of God has said concerning us in His word. I am who God says I am, I have what He says I have and I can do what He says I can! This is my testimony! This is my proclamation of faith and my confession.

I testify that I have eternal life. I testify that my faith proclamations are matched with corresponding actions to bring to pass the realities I create in my spirit. I testify that I have perfect peace because my mind is stayed on God (Isaiah 26:3). I testify that Christ is my passover and so sickness, failure, frustrations, disappointments and death pass over me (1 Cor 5:7). I testify to a spirit of love, power and a sound mind (2 Timothy 1:7). I testify that the lines are fallen unto me in pleasant places and my heritage is good (Psalm 16:6). All things are working together for my good and the best things in life are mine (Romans 8:28). My life is a burning and shinning light which shines brighter and brighter unto the perfect day. I testify that I am an able minister of the gospel and the work of God prospers in my hands to the glory of His name. Hallelujah!

What's your testimony? Get to the word! Perhaps you are not yet born again and you're thinking, "Well I have no testimony." I've got good news for you! Now is your set time to receive the new life; the God-kind of life. You did not happen upon this blog by chance for God has pre-destined that today and at this time, you will receive His word that will change your life forever. Don't procrastinate for tomorrow may be too late. So take a minute or two and pray this prayer. Say it out loud, don't just mutter it. Pray thus;

"O Lord my God, I come to you in the name of Jesus. I confess that Jesus Christ is Lord and I believe in my heart that you raised Him from the dead (Romans 10:9). I accept Jesus Christ into my life as my Lord and King. I receive eternal life into my spirit and I declare that I am born again! I am a child of God and I have the righteousness of God. I have overcome the world because the greater one lives in me (1 John 4:4). As you are O Lord, so am I in this world. I live in the consciousness of my new life and I reign as a king in this world. This is my testimony! Hallelujah!". 

Praise God forever more! Congratulations and welcome to the higher life. Let's talk about Jesus; His saving grace and constant faithfulness in our lives. I'd love to hear your testimonies. Please share your rhema in the comments section.
*big smile*


  1. Congrats "blogger". iTestify that this is some good work here!

  2. Very Inspiring...... The word of God truly is law ....itestify!!!

  3. Well done! May God empower you more to spread his word. Keep burning bright! Cheers!

  4. Wow!!! Full course meal, total package and very inspiring testimonies. The Word is truly living and active... iTestify.

  5. Minister Abum, this message is life transforming. I pray dat continues to enlarge u and enrich u for His work. Remain blessed!

  6. Woman of God! Great message.more of His grace!
