Hebrews 11:3, "Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear."
The Spirit of God
has been speaking to me about faith for some time now. I want to share a few
points that were brought to my remembrance.
Romans 4:17 tells
us that God quickens the dead and calls the things that be not as though they
were. Sisters, this is tricky and that's why sometimes we do not get it right.
The Bible said "...calls the things that be not as though they
were..." it didn't say "...calls the things that be as though they were
not..." A lot of times this is what most of us do and keep doing and then
we wonder why our "faith" is not working. Faith always works and if
its not working, you need to review what you are doing. For example, if you
want a certain sex of a baby, before you conceive, ask God for that sex and
begin to call forth your baby boy or girl. Its not when you are five months
pregnant and the doctor does a scan (which you so willingly submitted to) you
begin to bind and cast the sex shown to you. If you have pain in your body what
you should do is to say "In the name of Jesus, I reject pain! I decree
that I am whole and function in health!" Don't be saying "O I'm not
having pain, there's no pain in my body. It's not there." You may find out
the pain will increase until you end up unconscious or in a really bad state.
Then you will be discouraged. Many have died from this sort of issues and
Christianity is faulted because everyone around will say "She refused to
take drugs ooo. She kept confessing the word but she still died." Brethren
knowledge is necessary when working your faith.
Faith comes by
hearing and hearing the word of God, Romans 10:17. The Bible is complete and
accurate! It contains God's mind and thoughts towards us for every situation
and every circumstance in our lives. When you are faced with a situation, the
first thing you should do before you look for uncle or aunty to help you is to
get to the word of God. Before you share with men, tell God first. By His Holy
Spirit, He will give you a word from scripture to work with for that situation.
Remember Romans 10:8 & 10 says the word of God is near us in our hearts and
in our mouths which is the preached word of faith. Verse 10 says that with the
heart man believes unto righteousness and with the mouth confession is made
unto salvation. Salvation talked about here is not restricted to the new birth
but salvation in every trouble or circumstance unfavourable to you. God did not
promise us a trouble-free life, but He has made a way of escape in His word.
Get the word into your heart and keep it on your lips; mutter it, speak it and
shout it. Shout the word out to yourself as many times as fear grips your
heart. Shouting the word of God drowns your fear. I am a witness. It works like
magic. When you shout the word even your mind is brought under submission to
the anointing to conform with the word of God hence fear is dispelled.
James 2:18-19,
"Even so faith, if it hath not works, is dead, being alone. Yea, a man may
say, Thou hast faith, and I have works: shew me thy faith without thy works,
and I will shew thee my faith by my works." Sisters our faith is seen in
our works and words. You cannot say you have faith for something and you are
acting the opposite. I like how James put it, he said our faith can be seen
from our works. Imagine someone who claims he wants to have a 1st class but
never studies and everyday he declares "I am the head and not the tail.
First class is mine!" At the same time there is someone who doesn't even know
God. He says nothing to no one but studies like his whole life depends on it.
Who do you think will get the first class? Now Mr Believer who has been making
noise to everyone will appear like a joker to everyone but in actual sense, he
didn't have faith. His faith would have propelled him to work hard. If you have
faith for something, act accordingly. If you believe God for a spouse, what
have you been doing to get yourself lined up in God's word? If you want to lose
weight, why you are confessing that your efforts are working, you have to watch
what and when you eat. That's faith! You can't be saying, "I declare that
my husband finds me this year in Jesus name!" Yet you can't keep your own
tiny one room together. You are not even interested in caring for another or
even home management. That is not faith. Faith will propel you to do the things
you need to do in agreement with your confession.
Now this is the
big one. Whatsoever you are believing God for is your business. You don't have
to tell anyone. It's between you and God. I have found out that there are
people you must not share your faith walk with. If you want someone to come in
agreement with you, you must be very careful to pick someone who is on the same
level of faith with you. There are people whose faithlessness albeit clouded in
being realistic will make you lose faith. In such cases, I keep my issues to
myself. When you talk with some Christians about what you are believing God
for, instead of encouraging you and even giving you much more of the word to
hold unto for your miracle, they will tell you (based on their own experience)
how it may not work or how you need to have a plan B. So I advocate for
"Faith is personal". The miracles I have had in my life were usually
the ones where I didn't share with anyone personally what I was planning. I
only cried at night and muttered the word of God to myself to drown my fears.
The only time they knew there was a project was when I was sharing my
testimony. Now while I am not saying you cannot share I advise you exercise
discretion in choosing who you share with just so they don't water down your
faith and increase your fears.
The Bible teaches
us to take heed how we hear. Now when you are working faith for something, please
stay away from people who tried before and failed. No no no! Those are not the
ones to listen to at that time. They will tell you not to bother because it
won't work. Also stay away from stories about those who tried it and failed.
Trust me that's the last thing you need to hear at that time. If you are single
and praying for a spouse, you shouldn't be looking at all the brothers and
sisters who are over 40, who bring down heavens when they pray but still
single. Nooooo! Life is personal and spiritual too. Their lives are not your
business. Don't look at them. Face your own challenge and be determined to win!
We cause problems for ourselves when we make men the standard. The Bible is
replete with stories of men and women, who through faith won in life. Those are
the stories you should read. Read them and the Holy Spirit will minister rhema
to you for your peculiar case. There are also men and women today who have won
via faith, learn the principles of God’s word that they applied and do same.
However, keep your gaze on the word of God, not on them. The word of God hasn't
ever failed and the Hebrews 12:2 says, "Looking unto Jesus
the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him
endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of
the throne of God." Now who we are supposed to look unto is Jesus not Sis
Mary or Bro Joseph. Keep your eyes on Jesus! Was He tempted? Yes He was? Was He
troubled, smitten and stricken? O yes He wasn't spared! Did He win through it
all? Glory to God He did! That is who you should look unto! God doesn't want us
to look on anyone else but Him. The reason you may have been struggling with
your faith could be because you have set your gaze on men. It is time to take
your eyes off men and keep them on Jesus.
Its either it
works or it works. No alternatives.
Your life is your
responsibility and God will always meet us at the level of our faith. He has
made a way of escape but its left to us to follow Him strictly or
half-heartedly. Either way you choose, God will still love you and He will
remain God but there is a higher life. Choose the higher life!
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